World Heritage

Throughout our adventures, I’ve been fairly passionate about visiting sites of natural, historical or cultural significance.  Often these sites have a UNESCO designation.   UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is an agency within the UN founded in 1945 to promote peace and security in the world through education and collaboration of nations.

There are more than 1000 World Heritage at present, so although it would be astonishing to visit all of them, it just isn’t physically or financially possible given the current global welfare.  We’ll work at the list.  If I manage to see even 1/10th of the sites I’ll be a happy girl.

There are criteria for selection.  (Thanks UNESCO for the list.) Basically, the site has to be a outstanding in an intellectually, culturally, naturally or scientifically.  They have to show genius on any or all of these parts.  I have not been disappointed in any of the sites we’ve seen yet.  They truly do show the exceptional beauty of the world.

If you’re interested in any of the UNESCO World Heritage sites we’ve been to, feel free to check out the pages listed within the World Heritage menu.  Or, simply search the tag UNESCO.

Happy Travels,

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