Welcome to Jordan

(I wrote this a few days ago, but for some reason it didn’t go through.)

We’re still seeing the sites in Jordan. On the first night at Wadi Musa, we were able to visit Petra at night. The Siq, the walkway from the entrance to The Treasury, was all lit with candles. This walkway was lovely at night, and absolutely stunning during the day. After visiting Petra for the past 3 days, I shall retire Paris as the City of Stairs, and easily give that title to Petra.

There were so many beautiful things to see; one of them requires over 800 stone stairs (of various heights and widths) mixed with sand, rock and Roman stone pathways. And, almost all of the route is on blazing hot sun for the greater portion of the day. It was worth the brutal trek to see the Monastery though. Today we did much of the same, and as a consequence, my legs feel like Jell-o.

Luckily tonight, our taxi driver who keeps finding us picked us up and saved our legs from the walk back to the hotel. And when we started walking back up after heading out for dinner, one of the hotel employees stopped and let us hop in the bed of his Nissan. (Yes, I’m super grateful that neither of us pulled a Rick Hansen!) Jordanian people have to be some of the nicest on earth. Seriously, they’re awesome!

Tomorrow we are off to Wadi Rum to camp out with the Bedouin. I really hope the camel I have to ride isn’t a biter!
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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