Update from Sevilla

We are winding down to the last few days in Spain. Tomorrow we leave Sevilla for Cordoba, and finally end up in Madrid for the last 2 nights. Then we fly home to meet our new nephew who was born the day we left!

Sevilla has been really fun. It is a nice change from La Linea which was a very utilitarian, border town, by the sea. Most of the buildings were in disrepair, and nothing special to look at. ‎ However, it was the most convenient place to stay for traveling to The Rock of Gibraltar. And, the hotel room was deluxe by our standards–room service, bidet, pool and all!

‎Today we are taking it easy. We tracked down some really beautiful street art, and then had some lunch aka fed some birds in the Plaza Nueva which is near by.

Tomorrow will be an early start.