The Home Stretch

Yesterday we arrived into Dunedin on our last bus drive of the NZ trip. We have a couple of days here before flying back to Auckland and then home. It will be nice to be back in the land where prices aren’t astronomical for the most basic things. I saw a sign for a 4L of milk for $6.80NZD. I have found free internet that worked with my tablet once; otherwise, it is usually wired, and $3/30mins. Who has wired internet?!?! I am glad I brought my cel phone or I would have had zero internet this whole time. Fuel which we haven’t had to buy is usually around $2.26NZD/L. But then we took a flight the other day for $29 including tax and checked baggage. Bus transport is equally cheap-$14 for a 5hour trip. At least the travel within the country is cheap!

Everyone we have met (except for 1 bus driver) has been super nice. The hospitality industry is amazing. Kiwis and other travelers have been friendlier here than anywhere else I’ve been. Even the airport security in Rotorua were smiling and happy. AND someone let me go ahead of them in the screening line. There was no pushing or rushing and everything was moving along properly. I guarantee I will NEVER see that in another airport.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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