Tag Archives: Yellowstone


I’ve finally finished the Peru/Mexico entries as far as I can tell, and can move onto Yellowstone. Luckily we just got back yesterday. We made the 5175km (3215 mile) round trip in 7 days. First I have to say that I’m lucky that we’re not a couple that turn into ragers when in a vehicle. We have compatible, not identical, music preferences, and using a GPS saves a lot of map frustration! The little camperized van we took for the trip was awesome. My only advice to you is not to sit on the South side of the vehicle if you’re constantly driving East. My right arm is slightly charred.

In the seven days we visited a lot of places along the way. We stopped a lot, for the most part in Grand Coulee Dam, Spokane, Butte, Bozeman, Livingston, Gardiner, Yellowstone National Park, Cody, Devil’s Tower National Monument, Thermopolis, and Grand Teton National Park. And now we’re home in one piece. I’ll start with the photo entries soon.

ps: I heart my new camera so much it isn’t even funny!



I’ve really been trying to get through most of the Peruvian adventures before I start on the next trip. We’re not going anywhere exotic or off the continent, but we are going to Yellowstone in September. I’m excited for a road trip to a US Park. Don’t worry, I’ll finish with Peru for the most part.

ps: I was feeling like a slacker with the European entries as well. For a while the photos were overwhelming, but I got them done. The drafts that have been sitting unpublished for so long are now up for your reading pleasure skip back to July 2009. You’ll notice a few little updates. True story.

You’re welcome!