Tag Archives: Visa

48 days and counting!

It seems like we still have so much stuff to do, but the pressure isn’t on, so the procrastination continues. We do have our travel visas, and have booked all flights, accommodation and any additional trips/tours that we know for sure we’re doing. Here’s a rough map of the travel route.
travel map asia

Thankfully Jon’s much more organized than I am. His travel research knows no bounds, and he’s fully addicted to trip advisor–so much so that they’ve asked him to be destination expert for Peru. (Which I don’t think he’ll accept. It is a little hard to be a destination expert if you’re from another continent!)

At least I know this Asian adventure is extremely well planned. Even so, the best laid plans of mice and men…

Final Prep

Ok, 46 more days to go! I’m a bit of an excessive planner–for those of you on the Vegas Vacation, y’all know that’s true! You got the pre-trip briefing.

Le Bistro Pet FeederYesterday we managed to get prepped for abandoning our pets for 22 days. We picked up an automatic food and water set up, 2 more litter boxes, and a lot of litter. Before you go crazy, we will have humans looking after them. They’re cats, they’re smart, but they don’t have opposable thumbs, so they’ll need some care. But, with the new set up we don’t have to worry about Matilda starving to death, or Cal dying of dehydration.

Today, I read through the Air Canada list of restrictions on liquids, gels and aerosols. Who knew that you could take compressed air cylinders on board to work mechanical limbs and/or to inflate your own self-inflating life jacket? Not I, that’s for sure. I already knew the whole 3oz limitation, but I wanted to know the zip lock baggy size restriction for said liquids and gels. One Quart. Come on Air Canada–a QUART?!? We live in CANADA, get with the program, it’s called METRIC. ps: It is 1.136 Litres. Thanks Google!

And, I also went to the Bank to see about the “new” Visa Chip & Pin cards. They couldn’t help me at the branch, so I had to call the number on the back of my card. Thank-you Michael from Visa for setting me up with a sweet new card that will arrive in 4 to 5 business days!