Tag Archives: Rock of Gibraltar

UK: The Rock of Gibraltar

Before we started traveling, I never once thought that I’d someday be standing on a hotel balcony in Spain, while simultaneously looking at a British territory and the coastline of Africa.  But, that’s where I found myself folks!

The coast of Morocco
Coast of Morocco in the distance on the left and Spain on the right from Gibraltar

That’s the second time I’ve been close enough to visit Africa, but just haven’t been able to make it work.  One day Africa…one day!

Classic UK Phone booth, GibraltarGoing from Spain to Gibraltar, you really do get the stereotypical UK experience.  There are the cheesy red phone booths, Bobby’s on patrol, and dozens of Fish & Chip shops.  The Gibraltar Pound Sterling is awesome too–who doesn’t want a monkey on the 5p coin?!?

Visiting to the Rock of Gibraltar is synonymous with visiting the Barbary macaques that make the rock their home.  Other than us humans, the Barbary macaques are the only free-living primates in Europe.  Technically they’re monkeys, not apes, but just go with it–everyone calls them Barbary Apes, so we will too.

Approximately 300 macaques live there, so I knew we’d see them.  Only, I’d heard quite a few stories of attacks by greedy, territorial apes; that wasn’t something I was keen to discover.

Luckily, I didn’t have any issues.  Jon managed to climb up a small look-out to take a photo, and worked his way into the path of two apes that came charging after each other.  Slight body check by primate, and he was none the worse for wear!

The Rock of Gibraltar
The Rock of Gibraltar

In 1713, Spain signed the territory over to Britain “in perpetuity.” As long as the Barbary apes remain on the Rock of Gibraltar, the Rock will remain British Territory.  After WWII, their population had dwindled to less than a dozen.  Churchill ordered their numbers to be increased because of this traditional belief.  So, more monkeys were brought in from Algeria and Morocco.

Barbary Macaque, GibraltarToday they’re closely monitored and cared for by a dedicated veterinary team.  The Barbary macaque is on the endangered species list, so preservation is tantamount.

Beyond visiting top of the rock by cable car to visit the Apes, there are all sorts of old war tunnels, St. Michael’s Cave with impressive formations to visit along the way back to the residential/shopping district at the base.  We spent some time shopping, and then hopped a bus to Europa Point, the most southern point of Gibraltar.

The Point has a few buildings, including the Ibrahim- al-Ibrahim mosque and the Europa Point Light House.  It is also the perfect spot to take photos across the Strait of Gibraltar of the Rif Mountains in Morocco.

Rif Mountains, North African Coast
Rif Mountains, North African Coast from Gibraltar

Having history, geology, and fun Brit shops the check out (Yes, we went to Marks & Spencer), combined with the scenery and the apes makes the Rock of Gibraltar a pretty awesome place to visit.

Happy Travels

Update from Sevilla

We are winding down to the last few days in Spain. Tomorrow we leave Sevilla for Cordoba, and finally end up in Madrid for the last 2 nights. Then we fly home to meet our new nephew who was born the day we left!

Sevilla has been really fun. It is a nice change from La Linea which was a very utilitarian, border town, by the sea. Most of the buildings were in disrepair, and nothing special to look at. ‎ However, it was the most convenient place to stay for traveling to The Rock of Gibraltar. And, the hotel room was deluxe by our standards–room service, bidet, pool and all!

‎Today we are taking it easy. We tracked down some really beautiful street art, and then had some lunch aka fed some birds in the Plaza Nueva which is near by.

Tomorrow will be an early start.

Granada to Ronda

Sunday, Sunday. We’ve passed the halfway point of our time in Spain although it feels like we have been here much longer which is nice.

Granada is a great city. It is refreshing after the loads of people in Barcelona. On our first day in Granada we visited The Alhambra. The intricacies and details of the carvings are otherworldly. I cannot wait to go through those photos!

Yesterday, we had no set plans, and just explored the city. Granada is one of the only cities I’ve ever seen that has featured graffiti on its tourism maps. It’s easy to find all sorts of interesting pieces if you’re observant, but having a map was kind of fun. A city seeing street art as a feature rather than a nuisance is different for sure. I was in graffiti heaven for most of the day. FYI: There were still the usual shitty tags and scribbles in addition to the prettier pieces.

‎After today in Ronda, we are off to The Rock of Gibraltar tomorrow (which us actually part of the UK). I’m a little nervous about the apes of Gibraltar. In hindsight, it might have been a good idea to get that rabies vaccination after all.

Being bitten by an ape is NOT on my to do list!