It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a year since we went to Europe. We’ve been working through photos bit by bit and selecting a few from the thousands to put up in frames. (Taking too many photos is a double edged sword!)
Eight months have passed since the last update, and a lot of stuff has happened since then. I’ll get you caught up in 250 words or less! July and August were typical Summer months–Jon had more road trips than I did as he was off work for a couple of months. In August my littlest brother got married.
In September WE got married. It was a simple no frills affair–the witnesses found out the night before and no one else was invited. We managed to keep it a secret for several months which is pretty amazing. October, November and December are a blur as work was insanity. January was great–my cousin had a beautiful little baby! I had a weekend trip to Seattle for some shopping and touristy stuff. And here we are now in February, which means I’m back to tell you that we’re going on another adventure.
For a couple of weeks in May & June we’re headed to Peru. We were talking about a potential Peru trip last year when we were waiting to leave for London during the whole passport fiasco at the airport. Jon found a Peruvian coin on the floor which pretty much sealed the deal. (Let’s hope there is some Yen on the floor while we’re waiting this time–but without the passport fiasco– because Japan is my next intended destination.)

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