Tag Archives: Paris

One night we started walking the Champs-Élysées with the intention of ending up at the Arc de Triomphe. There is so much traffic on the roadways of the Charles de Gaulle étoile that there is an underground pathway to get to the Arc.
Word on the internets is that motorists are not always insured for accidents that occur on the étoile. Insurance companies might cover each parties losses regardless of who is at fault as long as each company agrees to pay for their own client. So confusing. (ps: I stole the ariel photo from the internet, and can’t remember where to give credit to the photographer.)
We had to climb stairs to the top of the Arc. Surprise Surprise! The view was pretty good, but limited with some haze in the sky. The sparkly Eiffel Tower still looks gorgeous. I could have taken a hundred photos of just the Tower. Sadly, I wasn’t able to take any good photos of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, but did get a few of the Arc itself.
Paris: Musée du Louvre

The Louvre was phenomenal! It is the largest and most visited museum in the world, and after spending an entire day there, it is easy to see why. Yes, it seems odd to take photos of art, but it would have been impossible to remember everything we saw. The building itself is unbelievable. Even the elevator is interesting. But, it isn’t just the walls, or the paintings, or the sculptures–the ceilings are elaborately decorated, and even the very rooms for displaying the works are perfectly set. Loved it, would go back in a heart beat.

Versailles: I love Paris in the spring time!

The first trip we toured through the Château and part of the grounds. It wouldn’t be possible to tour through the entire grounds even if you had a whole week. The second trip we managed to cover more of the gardens. Thanks to the interwebs, I have Versailles vu du ciel for you. Gotta love satellite imagery.
One of my favorite movies was filmed at Versailles. So before you start shuddering, I too, do not like Kirsten Dunst, but I LOVED the movie Marie Antoinette. I suppose it helps if you like the history of it all, and know some background of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
The weather was cooperative, so we ended up with some great photos, several hundred at least. Obviously I’m not going to upload all of them; you only get a few. If only we’d been able to see the fountains and gardens at their peak. Even during the winter/spring the palace grounds were gorgeous, and meticulously maintained.
See for yourself,
European Graffiti

The first Panthéon of the trip was in Paris. The second in Rome. Both awesome!

The Panthéon made me feel very insignificant for several reasons. The size of the building itself is magnificent. There are incredible figures buried in the necropolis–famous authors, philosophers, and scientists. The likes of Victor Hugo, Voltaire and Marie Curie to name a few. To see their tombs was both unnerving and enchanting at the same time. And then, you have Foucault’s Pendulum which is fascinating.

The order of things…
First, I’m sure you all suspect that I’ve lost all hand function in a tragic typing accident, not true. I’m just overwhelmed at where to start with the whole travel recap. It would have been much easier to have kept an accurate journal, or have used the internet each day. Moola doesn’t grow on trees and internet access was 2£ for 15 minutes in places.
I’ve given up trying to repost the stories that come to mind, in the order that the countries were traveled. My mind isn’t that organized. So now you get a random hodgepodge of travels. LUCKY!
Here’s the travel route, you put your own sequence together!
Vancouver, London, Paris, Milan, Venice, Orvieto, Civita di Bagnoregio, Rome, Vatican City, Pompeii, Naples, Rome, Frankfurt, Toronto, Vancouver.
Tube & Metro Scams
Who knew it was easy to figure out the Tube or even the Metro?!? (It was easier than this fricken keyboard!)
Il dort dans les choux-fleurs
When we were looking for accommodation in France, one of the places that made the short list was in Montmarte near the actual café that was in the movie Amélie. If you know me, you know that I LOVE that movie! Eventually, we decided not to stay in Montmarte after all, and choose a location closer to the sites that we’re going to see. After reading a ton of reviews, and looking for location and price, we ended up booking a hotel that has a few sketchy reviews about the area it is located in. Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a nightmare.
Tomorrow, I’m going to re-read the travel books and make a list of places that are a must see, places that are a hopefully see, and places to fill the time if we have any left over. I’m sure between the Eiffel Tower and Versailles we won’t have much spare time. After re-reading the travel books, will be movies–Amélie for sure, and Marie Antoinette. Even though Kirsten Dunst is moderately annoying, I’d like to see more of Versailles.
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