Tag Archives: National Parks

Wyoming: Grand Teton National Park

The TetonsEntry to Grand Teton National Park is included with the Yellowstone entry fee. Since, we had to drive through the park on the way back from Devil’s Tower we wanted to check it out. The photo above pretty much sums up the whole experience. Yep, a mountain range. The Teton mountain range. It is beautiful, akin to anything you’d see in Banff or Jasper, but just not quite as spectacular.
If you have experienced the moment when you’re driving, and Mt. Robson is just around the corner, it is a perfect blue sky day, and all of a sudden you’re in the Canadian Rockies, then you know what I mean. The Tetons were gorgeous, they just didn’t create that same sense. (FYI: Grand Teton is the highest point on the left side of the photo.)


I’ve finally finished the Peru/Mexico entries as far as I can tell, and can move onto Yellowstone. Luckily we just got back yesterday. We made the 5175km (3215 mile) round trip in 7 days. First I have to say that I’m lucky that we’re not a couple that turn into ragers when in a vehicle. We have compatible, not identical, music preferences, and using a GPS saves a lot of map frustration! The little camperized van we took for the trip was awesome. My only advice to you is not to sit on the South side of the vehicle if you’re constantly driving East. My right arm is slightly charred.

In the seven days we visited a lot of places along the way. We stopped a lot, for the most part in Grand Coulee Dam, Spokane, Butte, Bozeman, Livingston, Gardiner, Yellowstone National Park, Cody, Devil’s Tower National Monument, Thermopolis, and Grand Teton National Park. And now we’re home in one piece. I’ll start with the photo entries soon.

ps: I heart my new camera so much it isn’t even funny!