Tag Archives: Flights

Good Morning Vietnam!

We’re alive and well in Hanoi! It took just over 28 hours of travel to get here, and there is a 15 hour time change…let’s just say jet lag is being a bit of a bitch.

The flights were alright-the airline food would have killed both of my brothers, one of them literally would have died. FYI: the food was borderline alright, but different than any other airline we’ve flown. (Pork bits with huge chunks of mango, and the other a salad of cold noodles with thin slices of the most fatty marbled beef ever. I took photos.)

And now, we’re leaving Hanoi for Halong Bay. Hopefully it isn’t rainy and gross when we get there.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
China Eastern Airline meal
(Yes, that yellow bit at the top is congealed ickiness.)

48 days and counting!

It seems like we still have so much stuff to do, but the pressure isn’t on, so the procrastination continues. We do have our travel visas, and have booked all flights, accommodation and any additional trips/tours that we know for sure we’re doing. Here’s a rough map of the travel route.
travel map asia

Thankfully Jon’s much more organized than I am. His travel research knows no bounds, and he’s fully addicted to trip advisor–so much so that they’ve asked him to be destination expert for Peru. (Which I don’t think he’ll accept. It is a little hard to be a destination expert if you’re from another continent!)

At least I know this Asian adventure is extremely well planned. Even so, the best laid plans of mice and men…


Rewind to when we were packing for Europe. The temperatures ranged from super cold and rainy to super hot and sunny with a bit of normal comfortable temperatures everywhere else. Consequently, we had to pack for several climates.

Fast forward to last year–we had to pack for cold temperatures in the Andes and Lake Titicaca, and scorching hot temperatures in Mexico City . We also decided it would be wise to take sleeping bags which turned out to be a good decision.

This trip will be hot weather. Warm to Extremely Hot weather only. There will be no winter jackets, no thermals, no puffy vests, no sleeping bags, not a mitten in sight. So, we’ve decided to downsize.

Jon’s new pack is a 28L Osprey Kestrel. My new pack is a 30L Deuter Futura SL. This is half the size of the packs we’re currently using. Is this an upgrade or a downgrade? Depends on how you look at it…
I think the pros are outweighing the cons in this situation. We’ll have less room to pack so we’ll be carrying less weight. And, because the bags are smaller we’ll be able to take them as carry-on, which means less waiting around the airport for the baggage carousel, AND, less chance that our bags will be lost on any connecting flights because they’ll be with us. The only other con I can think of also involves less space–less space for liquids like sun screen and bug spray. I’m sure I’ll find something in mini-size here to fit into the zip lock. Let’s hope I don’t regret this decision.

What do you think about carry-on only?



We ended up having a couple more days in Lima then we had originally planned. The airline we were flying with to Trujillo rescheduled the flight times and made it 100% impossible to visit Chan Chan. Boo.

LIma PeruAlmost 8 million people live in the capital of Peru. Lima is a typical metropolitan area with lots of great things to see and do, but not where we really want to spend a lot of time.

We stayed near the ocean in Miraflores which is the touristy, newer, upscale, aka “safer” part of Lima. There were several parks and a shopping mall within walking distance from the place we were staying. Larcomar overlooks the Pacific Ocean, and is partially outdoors which would never work in Canada. Being able to watch paragliders from the mall was pretty cool though. We wandered from the mall to El Parque del Amor where the famous sculpture ‘El Beso’ is located. The park was a lot smaller than I expected, and not nearly as interesting.

There was only 1 brief moment where I didn’t feel 100% safe in Lima. We were on a very busy touristy street, and there was a 2 person team trying to pick pocket us or something. One was trying to distract Jon with maps etc on the left, and the other was just way too close for comfort on my right. We quickly shut that situation down. I don’t keep stuff in my pockets anyway, so they wouldn’t have gotten anything but lint. Otherwise, Lima seemed fine. Police were everywhere–police on Segways, police with dogs, and police with full riot gear. That dog’s name is Rocco. True story. He can do loads of tricks. His policeman handler was making him pose for photos. Safety first right?

Everyone we’d talked to about Lima along the trip said we had to visit the water park. Approximately 13 million US was used to renovate the park and create the water fountain circuit. (Which is ridiculous given some of the social situations in the country. I suppose the park is a revenue source?) The park is huge, it has the worlds highest water fountain at 80m. It was beautiful, but not as spectacular as I’d hoped. (Seriously, I was more impressed with the water show at the Bellagio.)

Not to be a total downer about Lima, it was just a complete change of pace from everything we’d been doing in Peru. On a positive note, I did enjoy the architecture. Some of the buildings were gorgeous. (ps: the historic district of Lima is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.) Along with beautiful churches, the Plaza Mayor also has the Presidential Palace (the Peruvian White House if you will.) Every day there is a changing of the guard–complete with marching band. Most of the police force with riot gear was out during the marching ceremony.

We visited several of the cathedrals including the San Francisco Monastery and Catacombs. The catacombs were eerie. Thousands of bones were arranged in mass graves. When someone died, their family was not permitted inside the catacombs; only monks were allowed entry. Eventually, the monastery ran out of space, and instead of being honest, they just kept piling people on top of more and more people. The bones are in a pit several meters deep. Pretty creepy really.

Here are a few photos from the city.


Tired Much?

We have made it to the airport in Lima. We have 2 more hours to wait until we board the final flight of the day to Arequipa. On Friday the 21st night we left for Vancouver at 10pm. It is now 12:20am BC time on the 23rd. I am one tired gal.

I was security screened in Vancouver 100% and had to be wanded and put through the new xray machine. Then in LA, I got the red light and had to be screened again. THEN when we got to customs in Lima I got the red light again! Seriously, you wait in line to press a button. If you get the red light you get searched. If you get the green light you go on your merry way. I must look sketchy today. I suppose that is what 30+ hours in transit will do to someone.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network


Who needs sleep?

We weren’t going to sleep day the day we arrived in London even if we had made the original flight. Rumour has it that if you just push through being tired for the first while until a suitable bed time then you won’t be as affected by jet lag. (That’s Jon’s theory anyway!) Pretty sure we were awake for 36 hours before sleeping.

We figured out the Tube right from Heathrow to our hotel, so we didn’t have to spend a fortune getting there. Of all the transit systems we used, London was easiest and cleanest for sure.

London Tube Map

So, we went sight seeing. We walked from our hotel all the way to Trafalgar Square and Picadilly Circus. In the process we saw Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey (which was already closed). And, we took loads of photos. (Yes, photos are on the way…we took almost 4000, so they’re taking a while to go through!)

Crotchety Much???

The seat to my left had been empty, and then this ancient South African mofo moved to sit by his travel partner.

He complained about EVERYTHING! He yelled at the 2 stewards that his reading light wouldn’t work.

Here’s a recap:
Old Mofo: YOU need to maintain these planes! I paid a fair price!
Steward: I do? (like me personally?!?!)
OLD: The lights aren’t working and I’m trying to read here.
Steward: Oh, I’ll reset your seat for you sir.
OLD: I can’t fly in the dark, I’m trying to read, and if it is dark I get nervous.

–And scene.

This is the same fucker that was wearing a sleep mask a few hours later.

We Have Lift Off! Two Miracles!

Let’s just give you some background story here for a sec…Jon did not sleep on his entire flight to Thailand last year. He watched approx 8 movies. Prior to this UK flight, he checked that the flight would have onboard movies, and even went as far to check what movies were going to be playing. (Yes, he’s crazy, and who knew you could find that on-line?!?)

Miracle 1–We get to fly a day late, but a day early at the same time, and our seats are together!

Miracle 2: The movie screens for our 2 seats weren’t working. Everyone else had stuff on their screen–we had BLACK screen. I could tell Jon was super dissapointed. But, about 20 minutes later, they magically started working! Hallelujah!

Day 0–Take 2 aka Jane Rocks!

The ticket agent at Air Canada (after the whole passport fiasco) happily charged us $300 to switch our flight to Monday, when we were originally supposed to fly on Saturday. SUCK MUCH?!?!

Anyway, she told us 2 things–the earlist flight we could get was Monday at 10:00am, and with a connecting flight in Montreal, and that there was no such thing as stand-by. She also said that we could come back at 2:30 on Sunday and see if there were any seats for the Sunday flight.

PS: She’s a liar! We flew Stand-by direct from Vancouver to Heathrow on Sunday. Thanks to Cherryl and Jane! Jane rocked! So did Cherryl, Gord and Narinder. They all helped us. Jane was the one to tell me my passport didn’t work, and she remembered us the next day (well how many idiots does she deal with, on such an extreme level?) They ended up getting us the earlier direct flight. Cherryl even phoned to tell me not to worry when she kenw our stand-by seats were finally confirmed. Thank-you for double booking 6 people Air Canada!

AND, Jane was at the boarding gate to see us off. She was so happy when we walked onto the jet way. She was awesome.


Yikes Bikes!

Thanks Air Canada for turning me into a total stress ball! Last night we got an e-mail saying our flight home had changed. Originally we were leaving Rome at about 8:30am, flying Lufthansa to Munich, then Air Canada from Munich to Toronto and then to Vancouver, arriving at 8:20pm.So, the flight was switched to leaving Rome at 6:50am. That most certainly doesn’t work with having to be at the airport hours before check-in, and having no trains going to the airport until after 5am. Either we had to spend the night before in the airport (so, check out of our hotel a day early, carry all our crap with us for the day of sight-seeing, and then waste a ton of time at the airport) or take a taxi super early in the morning for like a billion Euros. Anxiety much?!?!

The flight was also rerouted through Frankfurt and the second leg from Frankfurt to Toronto was on Lufthansa instead of Air Canada. I don’t really care about the air line change, but the time change…not cool. Jon was on hold with Air Canada for 2 phone calls, so about 2 hours, but now we’re leaving Rome just after 10am. Hopefully they didn’t mess up the booking.