Tag Archives: Big Ben

Who needs sleep?

We weren’t going to sleep day the day we arrived in London even if we had made the original flight. Rumour has it that if you just push through being tired for the first while until a suitable bed time then you won’t be as affected by jet lag. (That’s Jon’s theory anyway!) Pretty sure we were awake for 36 hours before sleeping.

We figured out the Tube right from Heathrow to our hotel, so we didn’t have to spend a fortune getting there. Of all the transit systems we used, London was easiest and cleanest for sure.

London Tube Map

So, we went sight seeing. We walked from our hotel all the way to Trafalgar Square and Picadilly Circus. In the process we saw Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey (which was already closed). And, we took loads of photos. (Yes, photos are on the way…we took almost 4000, so they’re taking a while to go through!)

“Look kids–Big Ben, Parliament!”

How could we go to London and not do all the touristy things like see Big Ben & Parliament? And true to total geekfest style, I’ve been reading up. Of course everything you read on the wikipedia is gospel! Who knew that Big Ben’s official name is actually the Great Bell? Or that it chimes on BBC radio every hour? Or that the bell weighs 13.5 tonnes? I’m sad that overseas visitors can’t go on a guided tour of the clock tower—only locals are allowed to, and only if they arrange a visit through their MP. Anyway, I’ll be seeing it soon enough even if I can’t climb to the top.