Tag Archives: Banksy

Israel and Palestine: Street Art

When we had finally confirmed we were going to the Middle East, and actually able to visit Bethlehem, I was super excited for the historical aspects of the visit, but also the impressive art that would be on the separation fence.   I had seen works by Banksy on the wall, and read up on some of them, and the reactions they caused.

Admiring such a torturous, agonizing structure definitely left me feeling pretty crummy, but at the same time, I understood the need to turn the wall into something inspiring–covering something so ugly with beauty, or even just a tiny political kick to the powers that be.

I’ve been reluctant to post some of the photos as I don’t read Arabic or Hebrew, and cannot manage to find a proper translation for some of the pictures.  It is NOT my intent to post anything the perpetuates hate or racism.  Based on the pictures accompanying the writing, my guess is they’re not, so I’m taking the risk.   I’ve managed to painstakingly translate some of the Hebrew.  Mr. H. Vacui is quite the poet…
