Rotorua to Wellington

At 7 hours and roughly 450km, the trip from Rotorua to Wellington was the longest bus ride we had to endure.

Water Lily2For the nerds and old folks, Wellington has an impressive Botanical Garden.  We rode the Wellington Cable Car to the top, and checked it out.  From the mid-way point we were able to watch part of a Cricket match which Fazh was super pumped about.   He had been watching Cricket on TV at night in the hotel rooms.  Cricket could be the most confusing game ever to figure out the rules just by watching.  I know 4 points if the ball goes over the outer boundary…that’s it.   FYI:  The person throwing the ball is not called the pitcher.  He’s the bowler.

Museums in capital cities are typically the most impressive a country has to offer.  Te Papa was not up to par.  Unfortunately, Wellington seemed like a party town full of noisy college students.  It just wasn’t our scene.  It wouldn’t have been my scene without Fazh either…maybe 20 years ago!

Of all the cities we visited in New Zealand, Wellington was probably the most disappointing, though necessary stop for us to take the ferry to Picton on the South Island.  (I have a particular affinity for ferry boats.)  The Interislander Ferry through the Cook Straight was beautiful.

From Wellington we took the TransCoastal train to Christchurch.  Stay tuned,

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