Granada to Ronda

Sunday, Sunday. We’ve passed the halfway point of our time in Spain although it feels like we have been here much longer which is nice.

Granada is a great city. It is refreshing after the loads of people in Barcelona. On our first day in Granada we visited The Alhambra. The intricacies and details of the carvings are otherworldly. I cannot wait to go through those photos!

Yesterday, we had no set plans, and just explored the city. Granada is one of the only cities I’ve ever seen that has featured graffiti on its tourism maps. It’s easy to find all sorts of interesting pieces if you’re observant, but having a map was kind of fun. A city seeing street art as a feature rather than a nuisance is different for sure. I was in graffiti heaven for most of the day. FYI: There were still the usual shitty tags and scribbles in addition to the prettier pieces.

‎After today in Ronda, we are off to The Rock of Gibraltar tomorrow (which us actually part of the UK). I’m a little nervous about the apes of Gibraltar. In hindsight, it might have been a good idea to get that rabies vaccination after all.

Being bitten by an ape is NOT on my to do list!