Get Involved

If you’re fortunate enough to make philanthropy a part of travel in any way, you truly are one of the lucky ones.   With our current obligations and time constraints–work and maintaining a home, we’re unable to take off and donate months of our time building or volunteering.  I’m very appreciative and grateful for all of you who can.  Here are two organizations that we’ve come across in our time abroad.  Having seen these two NGOs at work, I’d not hesitate to spend my time or money working with either of them.

Living Heart Peru:

Living Heart is a registered Peruvian charity and official UK Charity supporting remote, impoverished highland communities above the Sacred Valley in Peru. Our challenge is to continue to support over 2,500 vulnerable children, abandoned elderly, women and men to help provide a better quality of life & a brighter future. Our ambition is to help more people in such communities.

Cambodian Landmine Museum:

The Cambodia Landmine Museum is a Cambodian NGO, run by and for Cambodians.

It exists for three reasons:

  • To tell the story of landmines in Cambodia, how they have impacted the country’s past, present and will continue to impact its future.  The story is told through the story of Aki Ra, our founder, who was suppressed into the Khmer Rouge Army as a child soldier, and spent his youth fighting in the wars that ravaged his country for nearly 35 years.

  • To show the world that, no matter who you are, whatever your background, your education, you can make a difference in this world.

  • The Museum hosts a Relief Facility for at-risk village children.  The money raised by the museum allows this facility to continue.  At the present time (late 2012) the Museum supports a community of nearly 75 men, women, and children.

 Ronald McDonald House BC Yukon
Canadian Blood Services

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