Because we’ve been traveling a fair bit over the past few years we end up hearing a lot of questions–either from friends, family, co-workers…it happens.  Inquiring minds want to know.  So, in no particular order, here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions.

Where are you going next?

Currently, we’ve got travel plans on hold until we get Fazh sorted out.  We’re hoping to plan a trip to Turkey and Greece sometime in 2015.   Anywhere on the Mediterranean is fine with me!

How do you pay for your trips?

Truthfully, we just do! A lot of people who write about travel are sponsored to write about wherever they’re being sent to.  I do not have the traffic, nor the technical skills, nor the desire to reach that point.  We both work, we have no children, and we make travel a priority, so we save and pay for our adventures ourselves.  We watch for cheap flights occasionally, and we never book anything extravagant–accommodation, transportation or food.  Traveling on a budget helps!

Are you going on a group tour?

No, an emphatic NO!  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.  Group tours typically aren’t our scene.  They’re much too rigid and don’t allow for enough exploration time.   Tours do have their time and place though.  If a day is going to be logistically impossible, or maybe even safer to do as a group, then by all means we’ll take advantage of it.  We have used several different organized tours to achieve our travel goals in the past.  A few examples –visiting the Imperial City of Hue and all of the surrounding Tombs was not safely or financially smart for us to drive ourselves.  Or, touring through fishing villages with another couple in Cambodia–we wouldn’t have had access to the sites we did without our guide Ta.  And, in Palestine, the two of us used a guide as there are restrictions for which vehicles are allowed on Palestinian roads.  We wouldn’t have been covered for insurance if we were driving ourselves.  So, consider time, finances, access and safety.  Weigh your options, a group tour isn’t always bad, and may save you time and money.

How do you organize everything?

I usually start with a destination in mind–like the book store!  Travel books are the perfect starting point.  (We have a serious problem here with over 50 different guides.)  Eyewitness, Frommers, Lonely Planet, National Geographic–flip through a few to see what works for you.  I usually pick Eyewitness for the photos, and Lonely Planet for the information.  Then, GOOGLE!  Google everything you can. Use Trip Advisor forums and reviews.  Figure out where you want to go, and start looking for the flights.  You might get lucky and find a great fare!  There are so many flight websites and airlines to choose from, you’re bound to find something that will work.   It does take a lot of effort.  Luckily, Jon has a knack for all of that.  He’s very methodical.  He’s the logistics of the operation for sure!

Don’t you love relaxing on vacation? or, You must be so rested when you get home?

HAHA!  No. We do NOT relax on vacation!  Neither of us are beach people.  The idea of sitting at an all-inclusive sipping on a drink kind of freaks me out.  A relaxing day is one where we have time to sit on a transportation day (flight, bus or train) to another location.  We are up, out and about, seeing and visiting as many places as possible no matter where we go.  Honestly, it feels like I need a vacation from my vacation when we get home.  (Maybe I should wear a Fitbit on one of the trips just to see how much ground we actually cover in a day.) There is a difference between travel and vacation.  We’re just not vacation people.

What kind of camera do you use?

This question kind of cracks me up to no end.  I’m no pro photographer.  Yes, I love taking photos, but my skills are definitely a work in progress.  I use a little Canon PowerShot SX120is.  It is several years old, and I LOVE IT still.  It is not a fancy piece of technology at all, and I’m totally cool with that.  It is small enough to fit in a jacket pocket–take that all of you SLR users!   And, cringe…I leave it set to Auto most of the time.  Go roll your eyes and make fun.  I can take it!

Who is Squatzi?

Squatzi is our silent partner in this whole travel set up.  He has been everywhere I have.   He’s our little Roaming Gnome.  (No association with Travelocity except that he’s their mascot.  Jon bought him for me.)   I use Squatzi as a day marker in my camera.  Here are some of his photos from the road.

Carry-on only–Are you CRAZY?!?

You heard it here boys and girls…this gal travels with CARRY-ON ONLY!  After we made the switch a few trips ago, I don’t think I could revert back to checked luggage.  Waiting at the baggage carousel after traveling for double digit hours isn’t my idea of a good time.  Taking our bags out of the overhead compartment, and saving precious time…priceless!

What do you buy?

This is a tough one.  Some souvenirs aren’t things you can buy–like photos.  Currency is a must keep. We have some from every country we’ve been to.  I always try to buy something that is going to be symbolic of the places we’ve been.  We’ve bought a lot of art for the walls.  Lithographs, drawings, paintings, tiles etc.  And, I usually buy earrings.  They’re small, easy to pack, and I can wear them frequently when we get home.  I also pick up tiny religious icons because I like them, not because I use them–Rosary beads, Menorahs, Hamsas, Buddhas, it’s all good.

What is your favourite place you’ve ever been?

Back at you.   Each place has pros and cons.   I loved Peru.  Paris was gorgeous.  Cambodians were so kind and welcoming.  Israel was historically profound.  How do you pick one?

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Ooooh, I’m assuming I have unlimited funds as well!  Just kidding.  I’d pick so many places if time, money,  safety and politics weren’t issues.  Switzerland, Germany, Argentina, Australia, China, Antarctica, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Iran, Cuba, Laos, Chile. Syria would have been a beautiful country pre-war.  Same with Iraq.  The Middle East is fascinating.  I’ll definitely be back there one day.

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