Crotchety Much???

The seat to my left had been empty, and then this ancient South African mofo moved to sit by his travel partner.

He complained about EVERYTHING! He yelled at the 2 stewards that his reading light wouldn’t work.

Here’s a recap:
Old Mofo: YOU need to maintain these planes! I paid a fair price!
Steward: I do? (like me personally?!?!)
OLD: The lights aren’t working and I’m trying to read here.
Steward: Oh, I’ll reset your seat for you sir.
OLD: I can’t fly in the dark, I’m trying to read, and if it is dark I get nervous.

–And scene.

This is the same fucker that was wearing a sleep mask a few hours later.

0 thoughts on “Crotchety Much???”

  1. Dude Ranch. That SUCKS!!!! Good lord, what are the chances you’d grab the wrong passport? Seriously, that sucks dude!!! At least the crotchety old dude was entertaining. Otherwise you’d have no stories to tell 🙂Squatsi

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