
I have been trying to find a way to get back into writing for a while now.  Let’s not fail to point out it has been just over a year since anything was last updated.  This isn’t because the two of us haven’t been out and about in the world, but more so because I wanted to take a step back from spending time online.  Ironically, by quickly posting photos on Facebook, the majority of stories feel like they’ve been told.  (And, then there’s Pinterest, which is completely counteractive to anything productive!)

However, writing about our travels is something that I actually enjoy.  Even if I’m only one of a handful of people who reads any of this now, it is a great way to remember where we’ve been.  In an effort to catch everyone up to speed, I will be filling a few missing posts from Asia, and a lot of posts from New Zealand.  My return from New Zealand was pretty much where everything shared here stopped; there were a few Middle East posts to let friends and family know we were still alright on our trip, but nothing of significance.  At that time, I had spent a lot of time writing and editing photos from the trip by creating a book for Fazh.   With any luck I’ll be able to use some of the book as photo essays, and you’ll be up to speed in no time.  Then, to tackle the entirety of Jordan and Israel, and Mexico after that.

I’ve also been toying with the idea of posting information from pre-blog travels – mostly because the photos are hilarious!  I’m sure at least one of my siblings would like to forget Super Bowl Sunday in Las Vegas 2004.  I might also try including travels closer to home as well.  After all, British Columbia is one of the most beautiful places on earth!

In the next few weeks there will be quite a bit more activity here, as I ease back into the blogosphere.

Happy Travels,


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