Tag Archives: mobile updates

Did you get your license out of a cracker jack box?

On the first day in Arequipa we were met at the airport by our taxi driver. He was the cutest dude and he only spoke Spanish. ps: The car had working seat belts which none of the other taxis have had so far. He put on the radio to some typical South American music and we were off. It was straight out of the movies!

Since then we have taken a few other taxis. I would like to tell you that we have driven 100kmh in a maximum 45 zone, passed on double solids, or while going over speed bumps and railway tracks. Nearly hit a dude driving a bike cart, and couldn’t even count the number of pedestrians or dogs that have been narrowly missed. It appears the most important part of the car, truck, moto-taxi, bus etc is the HORN!

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Diamox is not Cola’s best friend

For altitude sickness we have to take a pill called Diamox. I remember reading the side effects and thinking one was a little odd. Apparently it changes the flavour of carbonated beverages. And not in a good way. Coke takes like rancid tonic water. So nasty! Inca Cola doesn’t have any mystical Diamox killing powers either, but we still had to try it.

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Tired Much?

We have made it to the airport in Lima. We have 2 more hours to wait until we board the final flight of the day to Arequipa. On Friday the 21st night we left for Vancouver at 10pm. It is now 12:20am BC time on the 23rd. I am one tired gal.

I was security screened in Vancouver 100% and had to be wanded and put through the new xray machine. Then in LA, I got the red light and had to be screened again. THEN when we got to customs in Lima I got the red light again! Seriously, you wait in line to press a button. If you get the red light you get searched. If you get the green light you go on your merry way. I must look sketchy today. I suppose that is what 30+ hours in transit will do to someone.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network



Hey everyone…So, the updates have been written, but most of the places we’ve been staying don’t support my phone for doing ANYTHING! We’re having a lot of fun. Today we were out on Lake Titicaca and visited the floating Uros islands and the island of Taquile. There was quite a climb to the top of the island, and 550 stone steps back to to the port to meet the boat. The little kids are super cute. They crack me up with their little faces when they say “Buenos Dias”. Everyone here is trying to sell something or make money from something. We are basically being 2 soles to death. It is like living in a Walmart and being 2 dollared to death. So bizarre.

We’re doing well. Super tired, but everything has worked out so far. Will update again when the internet isn’t painfully slow.

Just checkin’

A while ago I set things up so that I could email in blog entries from my phone. I don’t really want things to look all wonky or have a silly “sent from my blackberry” message at the bottom. So, we’ll just have to see how the entry turns out and see what improvements can be made before we actually leave.

Ah, all in the name of keeping readers happy…all 3.5 of you out there!

Next I will have to figure out how to include photos. Oh technology you give me a headache.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network