L’aventure est dans le sac

Before we’d even looked at flights we started looking at backpacks. Jon’s has an Osprey pack right now, but after using it for Thailand, he decided to get a new one with a few more features. I didn’t actually have a pack beyond daypack size, and I sure wasn’t going to be trekking a suit case with me!

So, we checked out a few websites and a few stores to try them on, and I found one that was awesome. The one requirement I wanted for sure was the side zip the length of the pack. If you think about it, a pack that only has an opening at the top would be extremely frustrating. I know I would always want something at the very bottom of the pack—so I wasn’t going to budge on having a side zipper. The separate bottom compartment is also convenient because it also opens into the pack from the bottom if needed. I also like the watertight zippers (slight overkill for my needs, but it could be rainy!) That said, I especially think I’ll get the most use out of the ice axe holders…


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